刘京摄影 男神全接触 小迪 DiDi
✔Please note that this issue is not NUDE version.
小迪 (微博:爱吃炸鸡的小肥仔),來自上海的19歲體育生,個性內斂單純,憑藉少年的j俊朗氣質和罕有的飽滿肌肉擄獲了大批粉絲,更被大家公認為擁有天使臉龐。首張照片在攝影師劉京的個人IG一經發布便引起廣泛討論,熱度直逼各路天菜級男神。此本寫真書作為天使先行本讓喜愛他的粉絲可以更完整的欣賞他壯碩身材及活潑可愛的一面。
Didi, a 19-year-old sports student from Shanghai, has an introverted and simple personality. She has won a large number of fans with her handsome temperament and rare full muscles. She is also recognized as an angel face. This photo book, as an angel, allows his fans to fully appreciate his strong body and lovely smile.
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